Monday, February 05, 2007

And how do you say, "dog"?

Yesterday morning, en route to my class, I stopped at the Whole Foods to stock up on goodies. As I left the building, I noticed this man standing on the sidewalk with a very interesting dog. Now, as is not surprising to many, I am not a dog person. Wait, let me say that more directly, for the most part, I don't like dogs. They're too eager to be my friend, take up too much space, have too many needs. It's a quality I often find attractive in people but on dogs, well, I wish they were more cat-like.

This dog, however, sat there on the street with his ears perked up and this great big smile on his face. There was something about that dog. So I walked over to say hello, first making eye contact with the man holding his leash. "What kind of dog is that?" I asked. The man started and looked at me, frightened and wary. (Forgive my bad phonetics here): "Eh um Frensh not spik Inglish." I smiled and racked my brain for any French words I might have (croissant? cafe late? voulez vou couchez avec moi cest sois or some spelling). I thought I might try Portuguese with that silly American idea that since he speaks a Latin language, maybe he would better understand my Latin language. Instead, I smiled and said, "ciao" and he looked happy.

As I walked away, not more than a minute passed and I turned back because I heard something. "What a lovely dog! What's his name?" asked the big burly white man with arms full of grocery bags. At the same time, a woman came up from a different direction, dropped to her feet next to the dog and began to pet him, looking up at the French man and saying, "oh, my aunt has a dog like this, I can't remember what kind it is, what is it called?"

I turned away and got into my car as I saw this man's face grow redder. I sure hope whoever was in the Whole Foods came back soon.


Vikki said...


Anonymous said...

quelle race de chien est celle ?


Susan said...

tee hee hee, thank you regina. que tipo do cachorro ele e? certo o errado?

Anonymous said...

Quase certo: que raca de cachorro ela e?

I trust you are well and enjowing your classes. Great work and writing on the site. I just found out about your blog (and Vikki's). Cool. We may have better luck talking here than running into each other at the park in this cold weather, right? Oh well, I take whatever good I can get... and I will take it happily.


Anonymous said...

oops: que raca de cachorro e essa?

There is no worse correction than the wrong one...

anyway, it has been too long since I spoke any French.

Kristin said...

I can't believe you agreed to watch my dog, the most pathetic, human-dependent canine on the planet.