Friday, August 04, 2006

itchy itchy scratchy scratchy

Israel is bombing Lebanon. Hezbollah is bombing Israel. Darfur is struggling against the weight of Somali warlords. We are still bombing Iraq and I actually think there are still a few US citizens who believe that this is in the interest of democracy. And what am I doing? Currently, I am sitting in front of Vikki and Luisa's computer with my shirt up and folded over my breasts, my belly and boobs bared to the living room. What I am obsessed with? Not the things that matter in the big world way, but what matters in my own little selfish skin way. Poison Ivy. Oozing crusty insanely itchy poison ivy from nipples to public bone. Particularly the crap that hoovers beneath my over 40 year old so not at all pert breasts, sweaty skin against sweaty skin and itchy red postules thriving. That's what I'm talking about. Itchy itchy god damned scratchy scratchy.

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