Friday, January 26, 2007

My brother is so cool

Yep. This is an article by him about labor organizing - IN GERMAN. I mean, I speak Portuguese and all but that means that I'm comfortable ordering dinner and talking about basic things. I can even talk about more complex things if the person I'm chatting with is willing to follow my odd grammar and sentence structure. But my brother, Jeffrey, well he has been living in Germany for at least nine years now, maybe even ten, with his lovely wife Silke and their son - ahem, that's my nephew - Leo. Anyhow, I googled him on a lark and found all of these articles from him - IN GERMAN. Oh, here's something from him about an action in Frankfurt but it's in English.

Yeah, I know. My mother's asked the same thing. How come we both hooked up with foreigners?

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